• To the North the office district borders directly on the river Main and
  • to the South there is Frankfurt's green belt with endless woodlands. LILU on the banks of the river in Niederrad is a wonderful area for relaxation.
  • Niederrad sports centre has its own indoor football pitch as well as lots of space to run off your energy. Kids can have fun at one of the six playgrounds in Niederrad on the edge of the office district.

With a yacht club, golf club and swimming club there's no shortage of lively clubs to join in Niederrad:

  • Turn- und Sportgemeinschaft Frankfurt-Niederrad e.V., Hahnstraße 76
  • Frankfurter Reit- u. Fahr-Club e.V., Hahnstraße 85
  • Soccers Point, Hahnstraße 75
  • Freiwillige Feuerwehr Frankfurt am Main – Niederrad, Schwanheimer Straße 24
  • Frankfurter Golf Club e.V., Golfstraße 41
  • SKG Frankfurt Tennis, Am Poloplatz 12
  • Niederräder Carneval Verein e.V., Heinrich-Seliger-Str.12
  • NaturFreunde Frankfurt, Am Poloplatz 15
  • Frankfurter Yachtclub e. V, Mainfeldstraße 21
  • Schwimmclub Niederrad 04 e.V., Mainfeldstraße 25